Tuesday, December 20, 2016


8" x 10"


8" x 8"


8" x 8"


5" x 7"

B. U. G.

Gift for my nephew.. His name is Jack but we call him "Bug"

Tufted titmouse

This year's Christmas card!

Jenny & Macy

The reference photos for this couple were pretty bad (super washed out from the flash), but this came out OK for what I had to work with. 
Customer was happy, though! That's what counts.
8" x 10"


One of my favorites!
8" x 10"

Nelly & Maddie

8" x 10"


So much fur! 
8" x 10"


With flowers on his head! 
5" x 7"

Saturday, June 4, 2016


Chocolate labs are adorbs.


Lovely collie! Super fun to paint.


Did this for the hell of it, or for a break from doggie portraits (though I do love painting pups!)


9 x 12
He is so darn cute!


Did this one for Jeanne's birthday! 5 x 7

Updating... Finally!

Wow! I haven't updated this thing in forever! Here comes a flood of paintings!

This is a big painting of Papillons! My first commission from somebody I didn't know directly. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


First time attempting to paint (or draw) a bull dog! He's a cutie.
8" x 10" watercolor & ink

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Monday, February 8, 2016


Tiny little puppy named Mac! He's a chihuahua/ dachshund / possibly corgi mix.

8"x 8" watercolor & ink
Tell your rich friends and family members that I do commissions!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Those ears were a lot of fun. 
12" x 12" watercolor & ink.

I have many other paintings scanned in, but I'm avoiding posting them since they are gifts for certain people who occasionally see this blog. So, stay tuned!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Fox Kits

Tried ink drawing first, then watercolor over top. The process seemed a lot faster, actually. Fairly pleased with the results.
8x10 watercolor and ink on Bristol board.