Friday, September 18, 2015


I can't tell if they are playing or fighting.
Annnnd I need a scanner.
8x10 watercolor and ink on Bristol board.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Great Horned Owl

So this painting took three tries. 
For whatever reason, I was determined. I gave the first painting a background, and I hated it, then I ditched it. The second one was coming along, and then this happened:
I made the mistake of letting Bacchus do whatever he wanted (Loki died, so we've been giving him extra attention and raisins). He was chilling on my lap while I was inking this painting, and before I knew it the little rascal was on my table dumping my entire glass of water onto the painting AND my computer. He quickly lost his lap chilling privileges, and was moved to the floor, where I took this shame photo. Needless to say the watercolors were washed out, and the ink is all smeared. So round three happened, and here is the result:

I'm mediocre-y happy with it? I think I worked on it for so long I kind of grew tired of it.
Whatever, I'm submitting it to the "Show Us Your Dark Side" show held by the Chester County Art Association. It's going on in October, and submissions dates are while we will be out of town, but my dad said he would take it in for me. I'm just hoping it sells to some weirdo who will enjoy it.