Saturday, December 26, 2015


Christmas gift for my dad! 

8 x 12 watercolor & ink


This proved to be a little challenging because it was for a baby's nursery.
First of all, raccoons have goblin hands, so toning down those little paws was necessary.
Also, raccoons are grey and black... not very baby friendly colors. I did a couple of paintings, some of which turned out way too dark, before finally inking this one.
8 x 10 watercolor and ink. 

Thursday, December 17, 2015


Second commission.
She is off getting matted this weekend, then popped into a fancy golden frame for the Hamilton family!
9x12 watercolor and ink on Bristol board.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


A Christmas commission! 
Little pooch named Penny. Hoping the owners love it!


Happy reindeer for the upcoming holiday season!
PS: email me your addresses so I can send you xmas cards!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Works in Progress

This guy is actually finished- just haven't gotten around to scanning in the completed work. 
I'll probably throw this sucker onto our holiday card this year.

ALMOST finished this commission! 

Sunday, October 18, 2015


This guy is ready for "Show us your dark side" at Chester County Art Association! 
October 29th through November 19th!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Rascally rabbit!
Watercolor and ink on 11" x 14" watercolor paper.

Stoat in his Winter Coat

I had to scan this at work because our scanner isn't large enough, but it seems to have washed out a lot of the color.
You get the idea, though.
Watercolor and ink on 12" x 12" watercolor paper.

Friday, September 18, 2015


I can't tell if they are playing or fighting.
Annnnd I need a scanner.
8x10 watercolor and ink on Bristol board.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Great Horned Owl

So this painting took three tries. 
For whatever reason, I was determined. I gave the first painting a background, and I hated it, then I ditched it. The second one was coming along, and then this happened:
I made the mistake of letting Bacchus do whatever he wanted (Loki died, so we've been giving him extra attention and raisins). He was chilling on my lap while I was inking this painting, and before I knew it the little rascal was on my table dumping my entire glass of water onto the painting AND my computer. He quickly lost his lap chilling privileges, and was moved to the floor, where I took this shame photo. Needless to say the watercolors were washed out, and the ink is all smeared. So round three happened, and here is the result:

I'm mediocre-y happy with it? I think I worked on it for so long I kind of grew tired of it.
Whatever, I'm submitting it to the "Show Us Your Dark Side" show held by the Chester County Art Association. It's going on in October, and submissions dates are while we will be out of town, but my dad said he would take it in for me. I'm just hoping it sells to some weirdo who will enjoy it.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Screech owl with a wonky peeper

Apparently this owl is blind in that one funky eye. I guess I have a thing for blind animals. Or a love for the stank eye.

Watercolor & ink on Bristol board, 8" x 10".

Baby Brown Bull

Watercolor & ink on watercolor paper, 8" x 10"

Saturday, August 15, 2015

American Badger

These guys get a bum rap, but I think they are huge cuties.
Watercolor and ink on watercolor paper. 8" x 10"

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Blind Lioness II

Second blind lioness - I like this one better.
Wish I could credit the photographer for the reference photos, but the pictures were just floating around on Tumblr.
Watercolor and ink on Bristol board.
8" x 10"


Gosh darn, these little weasels are super cute.
Watercolor and ink on Bristol board.
8" x 10"

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Blind Lioness I

There is another one of these in the works. I wasn't too thrilled with how this one turned out.
8" x 10" Watercolor and ink on Bristol board.


8" x 10"
Watercolor and ink on Bristol board.

REALLY wish I took a million more pictures at the Bodyworlds exhibit!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

1, 2, 3 works in progress!

Naked ostrich...

Blind lioness I - just needs white touch ups, then maybe some more blood.

Blind lioness II scratch drawing. Blinded animals are really crazy and awesome looking. 

Saturday, July 18, 2015

European Badger

Did this little guy up in a jiffy while waiting for my car to get fixed!
European badgers are cute, chubby, and they hate people. One of my many spirit animals.
8 x 10 watercolor and ink on Bristol board.


Cthulhu birthday card for my brother!
4.25 x 5.5 watercolor and ink on Bristol board.

Monday, July 13, 2015


This was entirely too much fun.
9x12 watercolor and ink on Bristol board.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Ruby throated hummingbird for Jamie's birthday.
4.25 x 5.5. Watercolor and ink on Bristol board.


Fly tie for Bubber's 60th birthday.
4.25 x 5.5. Watercolor and ink on Britsol board.

Sunday, June 28, 2015


Chunky little flicker for my dad's birthday card.
4.25 x 5.5 watercolor & ink on Bristol board.


Card for Maria & Josh!
4.25 x 5.5 watercolor & ink on Bristol board.

Eastern Box Turtle

So our scanner bought the farm, and in the meantime I'm using Joe's dad's scanner...
It's a really nice scanner, except I feel like all of the colors of the scans are super saturated? Or the contrast is pushed up or something. Suggestions?

Anyway, here's an Eastern Box Turtle. 8 x 10 watercolor and ink on Bristol board.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Blue jay

 Did this jay for grandmom's birthday. Just went to give her the painting but she was fast asleep. Ahh well, a belated birthday present.
Watercolor and ink on something close to 5 x 7 bristol board.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Father's Day Card III- Great Horned Owl

Pretty darn fun to do. This one is for my dad.
4.25 x 5.5, watercolor and ink on Bristol board.

Father's Day Card II- Firefly

Little lightning bug for Bubber for father's day.
4.25 x 5.5, watercolor and ink on Bristol board.

Father's Day Card I- Great White Shark

Not super pleased with how this one turned out, but it is ok I guess. Just a little awkward or something?
Anyway, card for my brother for father's day.
4.25 x 5.5, watercolor and ink on Bristol board.


It's no Sonic the Hedgehodge, but it'll do.
Tori's graduation card.
4.35 x 5.5, watercolor and ink on Bristol board.


Praying mantis for Eric's graduation card.
4.25 x 5.5, watercolor and ink on Bristol board.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Vulpes I

Red Fox.
Finally got around to scanning this one.
Probably going to do more red foxes since I have a bunch of reference photos saved in my computer.
8x10 watercolor and ink.


Giraffe card for Sarah's graduation
4.25 x 5.5
Watercolor and ink on bristol board.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Wild Ass

Wild asses!
Watercolor & ink, 8 x 10.

Green Frog

This little disappointed dude is all complete!
Watercolor & ink, 5 x 7.

Great Egret

Not super happy with this one, but ehh, it's done!
Watercolor and ink, approximately 8 x 10.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

WIP it good

Here are some WIP pictures!

Still working on this one... black pens all ran dry while I was working on it. 
In the meantime, I'll just start some new drawings and watercolors.

Great Egret WIP. This one is all finished now, so I guess I should scan it in soon...
I'm not a big fan of the colors in this one, honestly.

These wild asses are also finished. I'll scan that in eventually, too.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Phoenix Village Art Center- Membership Show

Both of my sheep paintings will be on display and for sale at the Phoenix Village Art Center during the whole month of May! The gallery opens May 1st, 6PM-9PM for First Friday. The address is: 207 Bridge Street, Phoenixville, PA 19460


Sunday, April 26, 2015

Woolly goat

Completed the second sheep. 
8" x 10" watercolor & ink.

Mother's Day Cards Part II

 Rescans since the scanner bed glass have some schmutz on it. 
Also two newbies. I think I have one more to go.