Sunday, December 14, 2014

It's the holiday season...

Staying pretty busy this weekend...

Tiny amaryllis watercolor with ink, 5 x 7.

 Llama commission - still in the works. 
More details to add and some stuff to spruce up. 8 x 10.

Tiny Stella drawing, 5 x 7.

Tiny Charlie drawing, 5 x 7.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Community Center

Brian approached me about doing a sort of logo thang for Community Center. 
The assignment was to create a Katamari Ball (I had to look that up) with the Community Center instruments and themes from their songs stuck to it. 
Here is what I came up with:

(This is the brown version, which is a lot less crisp than the B&W version) 

The GIANT .tif B&W file is being sent off to a person to do the "Community Center" font, which will go inside the bass drum. 
I'm excited to see what they come up with!