Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Old watercolors

 Henrietta, the cyclops home wrecker. 

Little birds with pink hand/feet.

The owl's only natural predator besides man.

This was too big to fit in my scanner, but here is part of it. 
This was a final for an English class. Somehow got an A. 

Momma bear

Mom's birthday card. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Nudie Nudes!

Some oldies but goodies from figure drawing classes. I miss drawing naked people.
Joanne. Tiny church lady. Very, uh, perky.

Karen. Made all the awkward kids uncomfortable. Worked it.

Heather. Dinner plate nipples.

Karen again. A little slutty but daaamn could she hold still.

Robin. Often fell asleep only to wake up with a boner.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Box Turtle

Did this for Allyson as a house warming gift! 
It has been a while since I've sat down and really worked on a drawing. 
Feedback and criticism very welcome!
Brand spankin' new Prismacolor pencils- had to turn up the contrast in GIMP because it scanned poorly.

2012 Christmas card