Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Screech owl with a wonky peeper

Apparently this owl is blind in that one funky eye. I guess I have a thing for blind animals. Or a love for the stank eye.

Watercolor & ink on Bristol board, 8" x 10".

Baby Brown Bull

Watercolor & ink on watercolor paper, 8" x 10"

Saturday, August 15, 2015

American Badger

These guys get a bum rap, but I think they are huge cuties.
Watercolor and ink on watercolor paper. 8" x 10"

Saturday, August 8, 2015


Watercolor and ink on watercolor paper.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Blind Lioness II

Second blind lioness - I like this one better.
Wish I could credit the photographer for the reference photos, but the pictures were just floating around on Tumblr.
Watercolor and ink on Bristol board.
8" x 10"


Gosh darn, these little weasels are super cute.
Watercolor and ink on Bristol board.
8" x 10"

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Blind Lioness I

There is another one of these in the works. I wasn't too thrilled with how this one turned out.
8" x 10" Watercolor and ink on Bristol board.


8" x 10"
Watercolor and ink on Bristol board.

REALLY wish I took a million more pictures at the Bodyworlds exhibit!